Suicide Prevention Toolkits
For Primary Care Practices
The WICHE Behavioral Health Program, in partnership with staff at the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC), developed the Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Primary Care Practices to provide the necessary tools and information needed to primary care practices and clinics to identify and address the critical needs of suicidal patients. This revised edition is fully aligned with Zero Suicide, the nationally recognized, evidence-based suicide prevention framework. The toolkit brings best practices in suicide prevention to providers in their own communities and offers them tools for improving their detection and intervention skills with suicidal patients.
The toolkit also includes a system and templates for developing an office protocol to address suicide ideation in patients, making suicide prevention a collaborative effort undertaken by the entire primary care office. In addition, the toolkit provides resources for educating and engaging the patients and their families about suicide.
The Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Primary Care Practices is available online and as a durable, spiral bound hard copy—$25 each (including shipping), with an escalating discount for bulk purchases. The pocket guides referenced in the toolkit are also available for purchase. An invoice will be included with your shipment.
Visit the Suicide Prevention Resource Center for an additional link to the toolkit and more valuable information on suicide prevention.
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American Indian Addendum
The American Indian Addendum to the Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Primary Care Providers was created by the WICHE Behavioral Health Program in 2020 and its development was funded by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.
The addendum is designed as a companion publication to the Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Primary Care Providers: A Guide for Primary Care Providers and Medical Practice Managers and contains information and tools to provide, when used with the original Toolkit, culturally sensitive and responsive state-of-the-art suicide prevention practices for American Indian clients.
This Addendum is available online and as a durable hard copy—$12 each (including shipping), with an escalating discount for bulk purchases. An invoice will be included with your shipment.
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