RFP Info Session: Technology & Partnerships for Transfer Success

  • Timezone : US/Mountain
  • Date : March 12, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Mountain Time
  • Meeting Type : Webinar

Please join us for an information session and to ask your questions about WICHE’s Request for Proposals for funds available to accredited colleges and universities partnering around shared transfer student flows, to develop and implement technological solutions that result in improved transfer student outcomes and metrics.

WICHE seeks to support up to six institutional partnerships that will work together to develop relevant technology improvements and pilot them in their settings over a two-year grant period.  Partnerships may apply for up to $30,000. These partners will focus on specific transfer student populations that are important in their transfer student flows, prototype and test tools that they would want to be implemented in their information systems, and provide critical information to advisors and students to enable the successful transfer of credits and progress through major coursework at the receiving institution. The RFP and link to submit applications online are available at wiche.testing.brossgroup.com/technology-partnerships-for-transfer-success/.

Applications will be accepted through 11:00 p.m. MST on Sunday, March 31, 2024, with consideration will be given to early submissions.


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