Select resources developed through the Interstate Passport® program are provided on this page to help support institutions that are approaching ideas about block transfer or learning outcome-based transfer. Please be aware that while the Interstate Passport and associated network are written about in the present tense with language around joining the network, these are archival materials for reference only, and WICHE is not currently recruiting new members into the network nor providing oversight of the Interstate Passport program.
Interstate Passport®
Interstate Passport® (2011-2023) was a national program that enabled seamless block transfer of lower-division general education attainment based on an agreed upon set of learning outcomes rather than on specific courses and credits. In Spring 2023, the decision was made to sunset WICHE’s oversight and management of the network and pivot our resources toward archiving resources and lessons learned from the program’s tenure.
WICHE greatly appreciates the significant contributions that the Interstate Passport Network has made to the transfer landscape, including the faculty, staff, and institutional leaders who developed and implemented the program, without whom the ten years of Interstate Passport would not have been possible.
For questions, please contact:
Olivia Tufo
Manager, Community Engagement and Development, Programs and Services
Olivia Tufo is the manager of community engagement and development for the Programs & Services unit at the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). The Programs and Services unit broadens student access to postsecondary education and fosters higher education collaborations that increase institutional effectiveness. Tufo manages membership of the Western Alliance of Community College Academic Leaders and the Western Academic Leadership Forum. Tufo also works on initiatives that bring together the West’s higher education leaders to address common goals and issues, such as the No Holding Back study and the Interstate Passport Network which aims to streamline the student transfer process through a nationwide network of institutions.