SAN and NC-SARA Webinar Series: State Authorization Foundations & Reciprocity
Part 1 of this webinar series is designed primarily for institution personnel (but open to the public) and will focus on the foundations of state authorization for out-of-state compliance...
Fireside Chat: Educational Innovations that have Transcended the Pandemic
Goldie Blumenstyk, a senior writer with the Chronicle of Higher Education, will lead a fireside chat with members of WCET and WICHE’s Forum and Alliance members in July. Goldie...
Innovations and Challenges: Colorado and Beyond
Hosted by WCET in collaboration with the Western Academic Leadership Forum and Western Alliance of Community College Academic Leaders. Community colleges across the nation are experiencing similar challenges: decreased enrollments, state...
Cybersecurity Part 2: Postsecondary Cyber Risks Associated with 3rd Parties Due to a Ransomware Incident
SAN & WCET present a two-part webinar series. In part two, Dave Sonheim, Chief of Cybersecurity, Region VII, CISA, Department of Homeland Security will address the management of cyber...
Academic Program Management and Campus Finance
A virtual meeting focused on how Academic Affairs and Finance work together to support and manage academic programs, including program prioritization processes, budgeting for program growth, funding program startups,...
No Holding Back: Administrative Holds Policies and Practices
It can be difficult to get the attention of a college student. Professors can always connect with students in class. However, advisors and administrators have few means to command...
Cybersecurity Part 1: CISA Overview Briefing on the Cybersecurity Threat to Postsecondary Institutions
SAN & WCET present a two-part webinar series. In part one, Dave Sonheim, Chief of Cybersecurity, Region VII, CISA, Department of Homeland Security will provide a policy briefing addressing...
Leveraging Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding to Support Digital Learning
The pandemic has changed postsecondary education – likely in permanent ways. Digital learning, while certainly important before, has become a ubiquitous concept on campuses across the country. New technologies...
Student Perspectives: Why Community College Was a Good Choice
Students from the WICHE region will share their reasons for attending community colleges, how community college has helped them and their communities, and why community colleges are important to...
Respect and Equity in Digital Learning Resources
Increasingly, students are spending significant amounts of their learning time engaging with digital learning resources and products, faculty and administrators are increasingly relying on data from those digital learning...