Discover Tuition Savings with WUE

Use our Tuition Savings Finder dashboard below to explore hundreds of undergraduate degrees offered at the WUE rate (calculated at 150% or less of in-state tuition). Complementing a traditional cost calculator, this tool helps you estimate tuition savings at 160+ public colleges and universities across the West*.

Get a downloadable list of participating WUE schools here.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about WUE.

How the Tuition Savings Finder Works

The Tuition Savings Finder helps students identify reduced tuition opportunities at participating colleges and universities in the West*. Students can browse school profiles, explore WUE-eligible majors, and estimate WUE tuition rates and savings at participating schools.

Why Use the Tuition Savings Finder?

Quickly identify WUE schools that align with your geographic, academic, and financial goals. Our tool streamlines your college search by showcasing participating WUE schools and their eligible programs, and by calculating estimated tuition costs and savings.


*WUE-eligible locations include 15 U.S. states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawai’i, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming) and three U.S. territories (the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and American Samoa). For more information, visit