
Partnerships: Stronger Together

Submission Deadline: October 31, 2024

The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s (WICHE) Academic Partnerships unit is excited to invite you to join us in Reno, Nevada, from April 23-25, 2025 for the 2025 Joint Annual Meeting of the Forum and the Alliance.

In a time where collaboration drives innovation and progress, the theme of this meeting will be “Partnerships: Stronger Together” and will bring together higher education leaders to explore the transformative power of strategic partnerships both within and beyond our institutions. This dynamic event will explore how educational institutions can forge impactful partnerships to enhance their programs, expand research opportunities, and foster community engagement.

We invite higher education leaders, researchers, and professionals to submit proposals for presentations, workshops, and panel discussions that align with the themes and objectives of the conference.


Yes, you will need to pay to register as an attendee; however, presenters are given a discounted registration rate. Please wait until you are notified about your proposal to register for the conference.

No, we accept proposals from non-member institutions and organizations.

The Forum and Alliance are comprised of Chief Academic Officers (CAOs) from institutions across the West. While our primary audience are CAOs, we strive to build bridges across senior leadership at institutions and identify ways that cross-institutional teams can come together to work on campus-wide issues.

The vice chairs of our executive committees are responsible for forming a working group comprised of executive committee members who form the selection committee. WICHE staff provide oversight.

Yes; however, we strive to balance representation across our membership.

Watch the information session!

On August 21, 2024, WICHE staff facilitated a live information session to address questions about the call for proposals.